Restaurateur Nedal Ahmad on Pincho, ghost kitchens, digital food halls, and Marvel versus DC

Nedal Ahmad was one of the co-founders of Pincho, the Miami-born fast casual chain we discussed at length on Pan Con Podcast with previous guest (and Nedal’s cousin) Otto Othman. Nedal has since moved on to other ventures, including a healthy meal delivery service and a digital food hall — a term that describes something eerily similar to the ghost kitchen model that’s been a hot button issue on this podcast before (for instance, in Mike Beltran’s conversation with publicist Larry Carrino).

Nedal joined us for cigars, wine, conversation about the restaurant industry and some analysis of the Marvel and DC cinematic universes. Also, the famed Coconut Grove street sweeping Zamboni made an astonishing number of passes in front of Ariete and threw our shit show of a podcast into a new realm of chaos.

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