Cura Market founder José Manuel Perrone on his health-driven business

Health issues in his family led José Manuel Perrone to ditch a job at a major tech company and look for a way to put his career in service of combating disease and giving people the tools they need to lead healthier lives. Eventually, that motivation inspired Cura Market, the company he cofounded as a way to give people more control of their nutrition and the quality of their food. For now, Cura gives creators a way to simplify the process of bringing their food products to market. For instance, Cura produces two sauces in partnership with chef Norman Van Aken, another past guest of this podcast. But José has a bigger, broader vision for what Cura might look like in the future.

In this episode, Mike Beltrán digs into the Cura model with José and the two discuss José’s broader goals for his work in health.

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