Publicist Mabel De Beunza on Operation Fill The Fridge, a charitable project born in the COVID-19 pandemic
Miami publicist Mabel De Beunza is among the people behind Operation Fill The Fridge, a charitable project that seeks to help families in need stay nourished through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Miami publicist Mabel De Beunza is among the people behind Operation Fill The Fridge, a charitable project that seeks to help families in need stay nourished through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mabel De Beunza is a partner at Deepsleep Studio, a creative agency in Miami. In her first visit to Pan Con Podcast, we talk about her work, running a business during a pandemic and the correct way to order your steak medium well.

Most importantly, though, this conversation starts with a focus on Operation Fill The Fridge, a charitable endeavor that grew organically during the pandemic as an effort to aid families in need in South Florida. We talk about what they do, how they got started, their developing into a full-fledged nonprofit (Adopt A Family Miami) and how you can get involved.

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